Friday 28 March 2014

Siri Pembersih Mekap Pixy: Lovin' the Awesomeness!!

Hello and happy weekend!!

This is the 2nd month I'm doing my internship in Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim (HSAH), Sg. Petani. And, on one internship day, when I was chatting with Kak Farah, one of the staffs there, someone handed me this envelope..I didn't assumed it was Pixy because the envelope is entitled to the company's name, Mandom (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, but then when I opened it...walllahh!! Pixy Malaysia has sent me their sample of the latest products!!!!

I have grown very fond of Pixy products, ultimately because of the products, but lately, I find their rapport to potential customer is really well and salute on their marketing strategy to approach customer. Pixy Malaysia really do concern on their customers' needs by doing marketing survey.
Recently, I have been selected twice by Pixy Malaysia to complete their online survey. The first survey is about lifestyle and the other is about deodorant. Both of the survey that I've completed is rewarded with RM10 topup each...(>_<)

Alright, now lets talk about the main topic here. I will point out for my review on this sample as I always do in my previous products sample before.

(i) The best thing about this product is that it has no sticky feeling upon application compared to other type of makeup remover. It really light and water-like to the skin.
(ii) My mascara, foundation, and liner are easily removed in one sweep.
(iii) Pixy makeup remover leaves a nice smell upon application. It is not too strong yet has a light scent.
(iv) I have noticed that Pixy Malaysia contains the benefit of natural honey to preserve moisture and enhance the skin softness. And after I've tried it, it really makes my skin moist and soft.
(v) It is alcohol-free, so it is practical to remove makeup before prayer.
The highlighted ingredient for Pixy Makeup Remover Series is natural honey, so I will share the benefits of the ingredient to our skin.
Honey contains antioxidant, anti-fungal and anti-microbe to heal wounds, red spots and fight skin infections. Honey has long been known as a natural content, which when used regularly, can soften the skin or hair in the driest conditions.  Honey also helps reduce the signs of aging and fights free radicals. It also can be made ​​into a toner.  The natural enzyme in honey , when mixed with water, can make anticeptic soft fluid to clean the skin thoroughly without compromising your natural oil content .
That would be a brief review from me on Pixy Makeup Remover Series. The ingredients, products, marketing and the brand of Pixy itself have captivated me. I would love to confess that I have fallen into Pixy awesomeness...
Happy weekend with Pixy... (^_^)
facebook: Pixy Malaysia

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